Excellence is What
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We do Compliance,
Clients do business
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Clients do business

The firm, J. K. Gupta & Associates, established in the year 1996 with the motive to provide consultancy services to the corporate world in the matter of Companies Act as well as various other corporate laws.
J. K. Gupta & Associates specializes in solving the complexities of company law and company secretarial practice promptly and correctly and with an attention to detail and personal services.
We are an established firm of Practising Company Secretaries providing company secretarial services to both public and private companies. We are acknowledged experts in all areas of company secretarial practice and company law with a broad client base of exceptional depth and quality. The firm was established in 1996, to meet the need for specialized consultancy to provide on-going or ad hoc advice on company secretarial matters to both large and small companies. Whilst this remains the core of our business today, many firms of accountants and solicitors use our services to ensure that best advice and assistance on company secretarial matters is available to their clients.